6 Best Tips for the Perfect LinkedIn Profile

Creating an outstanding LinkedIn profile is essential in today's career search. Your LinkedIn profile is often the first impression you make on potential employers, clients, or collaborators. 

In fact, it’s highly recommended for your LinkedIn profile link to be included in your resume for recruiters. Many job application portals request LinkedIn as an additional link to submit with your internship application.

To ensure your profile stands out amongst thousands of accounts, follow these five tips for crafting the perfect LinkedIn profile. 

1. Optimize Your Profile Picture 

Your profile picture is the first thing people notice. 

Choose a professional photo where you appear approachable and confident. Ensure good lighting, a neutral background, and a clear view of your face. 

Avoid selfies, dim lighting, and clothing that doesn’t count as casual professional wear. Remember, a picture speaks a thousand words.

2. Craft a Compelling Headline

Your headline is a brief snapshot of who you are and what you do. 

It is generally recommended for all college students to include their major and school in their headline: "Communications @ UC Davis” or “UC Davis Communications”. 

Many internships have recommended majors in their description that the recruiters are looking for. Just like how marketing internships are usually looking for Communications, English, or Journalism related majors, remember to include your major in your headline for recruiters to differentiate you as a potential candidate.  

You could also opt to showcase your skills and expertise by including your future career, internship roles, and awards in your headline.

3. Have a Banner

Featuring a banner for your profile is the cherry on top of a well-optimized LinkedIn profile. Searching up classic LinkedIn banners on Google or simply selecting the custom LinkedIn options they provided would work fine. 

Or if you want to go a little above and beyond to polish your LinkedIn profile, you can use a UC Davis banner for your LinkedIn profile to tie it together with your headline. Another option would be to customize your own LinkedIn banner on Canva. 

4. Write a Captivating Summary

Your ‘about section’ is your elevator pitch that summarizes your professional story. 

Write in the first person, providing insight into your passions, experiences, skills, and career goals. Keep the summary short and to the point. 

Your story can be elaborated upon during your interview and cover letter, your LinkedIn about section is a summary of your professional career. You could also add some of your hobbies as a fun addition or include some keywords relevant to your major or career to enhance searchability.

Keep your school email contact at the bottom of your about section if you’re comfortable with it, as it makes it easier for recruiters or potential job opportunities to be traced to your profile.      

5. Include Top Skills and Featured

Enhance your profile by adding your top five skills related to your experience, skill set, or career. It can be a specific computer science language or as general as creativity and innovation. 

Choosing your top five skills comes down to what you want to highlight about yourself for your future internship search to the recruiters that are viewing your profile.  

Any media files including your personal portfolio website or articles you’ve written or are written about you can be included in your “featured” section. 

You can also include any passion projects, classroom projects, club projects in the “projects” section with links and a description. This not only makes your profile visually appealing but also provides evidence of your accomplishments. 

6. Showcase Endorsements and Recommendations

Encourage colleagues, clients, and supervisors to endorse your skills and write recommendations. 

Follow other Davis Women in Business members by searching Davis Women in Business on LinkedIn and endorse the skills section for each other! 

These testimonials add credibility to your profile, offering insights into your strengths and work ethic. Be sure to reciprocate endorsements for a stronger network. 


A well-crafted LinkedIn profile is a powerful tool for professional success. Optimizing your profile picture, headline, banner, summary, top skills, and endorsements are foundational steps to the authenticity of your LinkedIn account. 

Remember that your LinkedIn profile is a representation of your professional journey, and keeping it updated with relevant information ensures its continued impact.

By following these tips, your LinkedIn profile becomes more than just an online resume—it becomes a powerful tool for networking, career advancement, and showcasing your unique professional identity. 

Invest time in curating a profile that not only reflects your skills and expertise but also tells a compelling story about who you are and what you bring to the professional table. Elevate your LinkedIn game and open doors to new opportunities in the competitive world of modern networking.